Rosie Little’s Cautionary Tales for Girls – Danielle Wood

Look at that pretty cover! Ooh, shoes...

Although only three-quarters of the way through this book, I just had to jump on here to tell you about it as it’s just so clever (the book, not my post!)  I actually picked this book up sometime last year on one of my regular outings to my lovely local Library but for some strange reason, I returned it without reading.  When I spotted it on the Returns table when I was there last week, I just had to grab it again, and I am so glad that I did.  Written by an Australian author only 4 years ago, it is a book of short stories that are all interconnected by the central character, Rosie Little.  Each story has a theme, similar to recurring themes found in fairytales (the book actually is a book of fairytales for adults) such as Love, Loss, Beauty and Longing.

What the Blurb says:

‘These are not, I should say at the outset, tales written for the benefit of good and well-behaved girls who always stick to the path when they go to Grandma’s.  Skipping along in their gingham frills – basket of scones, jam and clotted cream upon their arms – what need can these girls have for caution?  Rather, these are tales for girls who have boots as stout as their hearts, and who are prepared to firmly lace them up (boots and hearts both) and step out into the wilds in search of what they desire.’

'Red Riding Hood in Autumn' by Jasmine Becket-Griffith

My favourite story so far is the one of the woman who becomes a mannequin… or is she a mannequin who believes she’s a real woman?  I woke up thinking about that one – a sure sign that a book has grabbed me if I’ve obviously been dreaming about it.

photo lifted from the blog of John Bokma

If you come across this book in your Library, do yourself a huge favour and grab it before someone else does.  It’s well written, intiriguing, clever, unique and fantastic!  I’m off now to read more of Rosie’s sarcastic, sharp-witted and discerning tales…